Au Revoir Paris
It's bittersweet to say goodbye, but I leave on Saturday. I've missed Houston so much and can't wait to see my family for the holidays. I'm forever grateful for the friends that I've made in Paris and our experiences together.

I spent my last free day at Galleries Lafayette to see the beautiful Christmas display. Every year there's a different theme for their Christmas decorations. I'm not sure exactly what the theme was, but it definitely had something to do with bumblebees. The sequins and lights were Spring-like while getting me in the Ho Ho Ho spirit.

This is one of the most beautiful stores I've ever seen and could rival Rockefeller in NYC. The whole place just screamed 'Money'! If you think this is beautiful then check out the view from the rooftop. I will never understand why I waited to the last day for that to be my first time on top of Galleries Lafayette. I should have gone everyday! *facepalm*

God knew exactly what I needed because the rain was MIA, the sun was out, and the breeze was just enough to say, "Baby it's cold outsideeeee". With the Christmas music playing softly in the background, this experience couldn't have got better. Traveling has always been a dream, but it seemed I could never cross the line of making it a reality. I'm now a storyteller amongst the greats and I can't wait to return home to share my memories.

Of course, you don't go to Paris during the Winter holidays and not ice skate with a view! The skating was completely free atop Galleries Lafayette for 20 mins per person. It's not real ice, but some sort of magnet. Either way it made for fantastic photos and ending my perfect day. I can't wait to see you again Paris. I really thought I wouldn't miss this place that much, but did what I came to do. I adapted to change, increased in my work abilities, and matured as a young woman. Merci beaucoup mes amis! *bisou bisou* This is not a goodbye, but a see ya later!