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Best of Bali

I said in 2017 that I wanted to go to Bali. I had no idea that I'd go the following year and go by myself! I did not plan to go by myself; it just happened that way.

As my departure date got closer and closer, I was terrified. I'd never been that far away from home alone and it was my first time out of the country. There's something about forced experiences that excite your innermost desires and fears. It was completely new and changed me.

Ubud, Bali, Indonesia

The locals are so friendly and genuinely want to know you. I assume they don't meet a lot of Americans [especially Black Americans] because of how long flight is. It's such an amazing feeling to finally be the one to set the narrative on who you are and your culture. America is known as the 'Melting Pot' so I know of all the various people that call it home, but being in Bali was a real cultural explosion. Everyone was from somewhere else, spoke multiple languages, and aware of all our differences. I never saw anyone trying to hide or conform to another person.

Balinese Temple

Tip 1: If you're planning a trip to Bali, Indonesia, I recommend Ubud. It's in the rice terrances and away from the touristy, Seminyak and Kuta. There's so much natural beauty and a greater chance to experience the culture.

Ubud Rice Terraces

Tip 2: Don't jam pack your itinerary with activities! I did not do half of the activites I planned wether due to weather or my mind changed once I arrived.

Tip 3: Don't over pack. I packed way too many outfits. I wore maxi dresses most of the time because they were breezy and easy. Bali has a lot of handmade clothes and accessories you'd want to bring home so leave room in your luggage for that.

Tip 4: Stay off the phone! I'm a blogger so I did document my experiences but I had my camera away for most of the trip. I wanted to see everything in the moment as it happened.

I recommend anyone to take a least one trip by themselves. You mature and have no choice but to know yourself. Bali is a safe place if you're a single, female traveler. Don't waste time waiting on someone else to tag along on your journey.

I love Bali and definitely will be returning for longer.



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Site Credits: Karissa Franklin
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