Some places aren't done justice by pictures and videos. They're beauty has to been seen with the naked eye. I was fortunate enough to attend a ballet at L'Opera de Paris and the stories are true. The interior is exquisite; filled with grand architecture, gold and murals adorn the ceilings. It reminded me of the Palace of Versailles with a mix of the Sistine Chapel.

My dress seamlessly matched the aesthetic. My crushed, gold satin dress was so eye-catching versus the typical Parisian attire of a black dress. In a setting this stunning, I was surprised that no one went all out with the attire. Back home, going to the arts is a time to showcase your beauty and creativity with your dress style. I can't remember the last time I worn a plain, black dress to an event. My goal was to compliment the beauty of the venue without sacrificing my own beauty.

Less is more. The accessories are just as important, if not more than the clothing pieces. I kept my jewelry minimal with single strand, gold earrings. The earrings just grazed my shoulders, drawing the eyes to my necklace-less décolletage. I opted out of a necklace to allow the draped neckline of the dress to shine. The shoulder bag was velvet to play with various textures and accented everything with a gold chainlink strap. I chose to carry the bag by the strap in my hand for a more relaxed look.

I was initially worried about the shoes. I didn't have my black scrappy heels with me and I wouldn't dare wear a flat! If I could go back to this night, I'd kiss myself for the purchase of these boots. The snakeskin detailing and pointed toe added a fierceness that truly represents me and how I see myself! You saw me coming and said, "oh! she is the one." This is forever one of my favorite looks because this is so clasty (classy nasty) Karissa!