Shakespeare & Co.
'Please don't pet Aggie cat.' I didn't know this was a real cat until it moved.

On the list of things you're not supposed to do is take pictures. As we all know, I pay no attention to anything so here are some of the photos I took anyways. The place is so freakin cute how could you not?! The books upstairs are not for sale surprisingly and the downstairs is like a normal Barnes and Noble. The place is so tiny that you have to wait in line to enter. No, literally there's like a bouncer at the door.
I strive to be a walking aesthetic and I was killing this look from my fur ball hat to leather gloves. See how the wallpaper compliments my motif scarf? Yesss honey I was serving chic librarian looks. The gloves are my favorite staple this winter. They are real leather and the color matches my coat perfectly. I love a seamless finish and the white hat and shoes to break up all that orangey-brown goodness. Random fact: I love a typewriter and plan to own and consistently use one one day.

I love when places let you leave something and Shakespeare and Co. has this wall of mirrors. There's pens and tape for you to leave a couple 'pearls of wisdom' as my mother calls them. It was so cute to see the various languages of the people who have stopped through. Make sure you pass by and drop a pearl for the next person.